A History Of St. Barbara Roman Catholic Church 13534 Colson Street, Dearborn, Michigan 48126 St. Barbara Roman Catholic Church was established in 1924 in the area known at the time as Springwells, before it became known as Dearborn. It was a … [Read more...] about A History Of St. Barbara Roman Catholic Church
Significant Sites
Major Brick Yards of Detroit’s West Side Polonia
Major Brick Yards of Detroit’s West Side Polonia And Their Founders The history of brick making in America dates back to around 1612. Bricks were molded by hand prior to the invention of steam-driven machinery in the mid-1800s, which … [Read more...] about Major Brick Yards of Detroit’s West Side Polonia
A History of the Lincoln Motor Company
A History of the Lincoln Motor Company 6200 W. Warren Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48210 The Lincoln Motor Company located at 6200 W. Warren Avenue, just east of Livernois on Detroit’s west side, was founded by Henry M. Leland in August of 1917. He … [Read more...] about A History of the Lincoln Motor Company
A History Of Saint Casimir Roman Catholic Church
A History Of Saint Casimir Roman Catholic Church 3401 23rd Street, Detroit, Michigan 48208 West Side Detroit’s First Polish Parish Editor’s Note: The Society is extremely grateful to member Tom Wozniak (St. Casimir class of 1966) for providing … [Read more...] about A History Of Saint Casimir Roman Catholic Church
A History of Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Warrendale
A History of Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Warrendale 7685 Grandville, Detroit, Michigan 48228 Much of the area in which Ss. Peter & Paul Parish was founded was farmland in 1923. At that time, a rumor began to circulate that the Ford … [Read more...] about A History of Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Warrendale
A History of St. Andrew Church and School
A History of St. Andrew Church and School 7060 McGraw and 5690 Cecil, Detroit, Michigan 48210 St. Andrew Catholic Church at 7060 McGraw Street was founded in 1920 by a group of Catholics in the McGraw-Chopin area of Detroit’s west side, a … [Read more...] about A History of St. Andrew Church and School
A History of A. Mateja & Sons
A History of A. Mateja & Sons 7844 Michigan Avenue, Detroit 48210 A. Mateja & Sons at 7844 Michigan Avenue, east of Springwells, was arguably the most popular religious supply store on Detroit’s west side during the early to mid-part of … [Read more...] about A History of A. Mateja & Sons
A History of Central Creamery
A History of Central Creamery 4381 Central Avenue, Detroit 48210 Central Creamery was an extremely popular family-owned business in west side Detroit’s Polonia. It was founded in 1920 by the Zajdel family, who later spelled their name Zaydel. … [Read more...] about A History of Central Creamery
The Western Market
A HISTORY OF THE WESTERN MARKET MICHIGAN AVENUE AND 18TH STREET, DETROIT 48210 The Western Market, a wholesale food distribution hub, was located on Michigan Avenue and 18th Street in Detroit, across from the big Hygrade factory. It existed for … [Read more...] about The Western Market
Nieckarz Furniture & Hardware Store
NIECKARZ FURNITURE & HARDWARE STORE 7330-36 McGRAW AVENUE, DETROIT 48210 MAGDALENA AND STEPHEN NIECKARZ, PROPRIETORS FRANK SZERLAG, ASSISTANT Sometime between 1920 and 1932, Magdalena (nee Szerlag) Nieckarz, along with her older brother … [Read more...] about Nieckarz Furniture & Hardware Store